lunes, 12 de octubre de 2009


•El abanderado (Le porte drapeau, Alphonse Daudet)

•El abrazo frío (The cold embrace, Mary Elizabeth Braddon)

•El ahorcamiento de Alfred Wadham (The hanging of Alfred Wadham, E.F. Benson)

•El almohadón de plumas (El almohadón de plumas, Horacio Quiroga)

•El alquimista (The alchemist, H.P. Lovecraft)

•El amor asesinado (El amor asesinado, Emilia Bazán)

•El anciano terrible (The terrible old man, H.P. Lovecraft)

•El anticipador (The anticipator, Morley Roberts)

•El aparecido (Marqués de Sade)

•El árbol de la colina (The tree on the hill, H.P. Lovecraft)

•El brujo postergado (El brujo postergado, Infante don Juan Manuel)

•El campo (The field, Lord Dunsany)

•El caos reptante (The crawling chaos, H.P. Lovecraft)

•El caso Valdemar (The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar, Edgar Allan Poe)

•El castillo de Leixlip (Leixlip castle, Charles Maturin)

•El cercado de Martin (Martin's close, M.R. James)

•El chico que amaba una tumba (The child who loved a tomb, Fitz James O'Brien)

•El clérigo incestuoso (Margarita de Angulema)

•El clérigo malvado (The evil clerigman, H.P. Lovecraft)

•El conde Magnus (Count Magnus, M.R. James)

•El conjuro (El conjuro, Emilia Bazán)

•El corazón delator (The tell tale heart, Edgar Allan Poe)

•El cuento de los tres deseos (Jeanne Marie Le Prince de Beaumont)

•El crimen invisible (Catherine Crowe)

•El cuerno del horror (The horn of horror, E.F. Benson)

•El cuerpo infeliz (The unhappy body, Lord Dunsany)

•El demonio de lo perverso (The imp of the perverse, Edgar Allan Poe)

•El diario del señor Poynter (The diary of Mr. Poynter, M.R. James)

•El enemigo (Anton Chéjov)

•El entierro (The burial, Lord Byron)

•El entierro de las ratas (The burial of the rats, Bram Stoker)

•El entierro prematuro (The premature burial, Edgar Allan Poe)

•Eleonora (Eleonora, Edgar Allan Poe)

•El escultor de gárgolas (The maker of gargolyes, Clark Ashton Smith)

•El espectro (El espectro, Emilia Bazán)

•El espectro (El espectro, Horacio Quiroga)

•El experimento del doctor Heidegger (Dr. Heidegger's experiment, Nathaniel Hawthorne)

•El fabricante de ataúdes (Alexander Pushkin)

•El fantasma (El fantasma, Emilia Bazán)

•El fantasma del castillo Egmont (Charles Nodier)

•El fantasma de Marley (Marley's ghost, Charles Dickens)

•El fantasma y el ensalmador (The ghost and the bonesetter, Sheridan Le Fanu)

•El ferrocarril celestial (The celestial railroad, Nathaniel Hawthorne)

•El fresno (The ash tree, M.R. James)

•El gato negro (The black cat, Edgar Allan Poe)

•El gnomo (El gnomo, Gustavo Adolfo Becquer)

•El grabado (The mezzotint, M.R. James)

•El gran dios Pan (The great god Pan, Arthur Machen)

•El guardavías (The signal man, Charles Dickens)

•El guardián del muerto (A watcher by the dead, Ambrose Bierce)

•El hijo (El hijo, Horacio Quiroga)

•El hipnotizador (The hypnotist, Ambrose Bierce)

•El hombre al que amaban los árboles (The man whom the trees loved, Algernon Blackwood)

•El hombre de arena (Der sandmann, E.T.A. Hoffmann)

•El hombre del cerebro de oro (L'Homme a la cervelle d'or, Alphonse Daudet)

•El hombre del haschisch (The hashish man, Lord Dunsany)

•El hombre lobo (The werewolf, Eugene Field)

•El hombre muerto (El hombre muerto, Horacio Quiroga)

•El Horla (Le Horla, Guy de Maupassant)

•El horror de Salem (The horror of Salem, Henry Kuttner)

•El huésped de Drácula (Dracula's guest, Bram Stoker)

•El huésped siniestro (Der unheimliche gast, E.T.A. Hoffmann)

•Elíxires del diablo, Los (Die elixiere des teufels, E.T.A. Hoffmann)

•El jardinero (The gardner, E.F. Benson)

•El joven Goodman Brown (The young Goodman Brown, Nathaniel Hawthorne)

•El juego de los grillos (Das grillenspiel, Gustav Meyrink)

•El ladrón de cadáveres (The body snatcher, Robert Louis Stevenson)

•El libro del cánon Alberico (canon Alberic's scrapbook, M.R. James)

•El libro verde (The green book, Arthur Machen)

•El lobo (Le loup, Guy de Maupassant)

•El maleficio de las runas (Casting the runes, M.R. James)

•El mausoleo (El mausoleo, Emilia Bazán)

•El misántropo (The misanthrope, J.D. Beresford)

•El miserere (El miserere, Gustavo Adolfo Becquer)

•El modelo Pickman (Pickman's model, H.P. Lovecraft)

•El monte de las ánimas (El monte de las ánimas, Gustavo Adolfo Becquer)

•El mortal inmortal (The mortal inmortal, Mary Shelley)

•El oficio de difuntos (El oficio de difuntos, Emilia Pardo Bazán)

•El país de los ciegos (The country of the blind, H.G. Wells)

•El pantano de la luna (The moon bog, H.P. Lovecraft)

•El pobre viejo Bill (Poor old Bill, Lord Dunsany)

•El pozo y el péndulo (The pit and the pendulum, Edgar Allan Poe)

•El pueblo blanco (The white people, Arthur Machen)

•El retrato oval (The oval portrait, Edgar Allan Poe)

•El rey Peste (King pest, Edgar Allan Poe)

•El rostro (The face, E.F. Benson)

•El sabueso (The hound, H.P. Lovecraft)

•El sacrificio (The sacrifice, Algernon Blackwood)

•El sanctus (Der sanctus, E.T.A. Hoffmann)

•El señor Humphreys y su herencia (Mr Humphreys and His Inheritance, M.R. James)

•El ser bajo la luna (The thing in the moonlight, H.P. Lovecraft)

•El signo amarillo (The yellow sign, R.W. Chambers)

•El sueño (The dream, Mary Shelley)

•El tapiz amarillo (The yellow wallpaper, Charlotte Perkins Gilman)

•El tesoro del abad Thomas (The treasure of abbot Thomas, M.R. James)

•El tratado Middoth (The tractate Middoth, M.R. James)

•El último deseo (Théophile Gautier)

•El vampiro (El vampiro, Horacio Quiroga)

•El vampiro (The vampire, John Stagg)

•El vampiro (The vampire, John William Polidori)

•El vampiro Arnold Paul (Charles Nodier)

•El vampiro bondadoso (Charles Nodier)

•El vampiro en el convento (Caraccioli)

•El velo negro (The black veil, Charles Dickens)

•El vigilante (The watcher, Sheridan Le Fanu)

•El visitante del cementerio (The haunter of the graveyard, Vernon Shea)

•El wendigo (The wendigo, Algernon Blackwood)

•En el crepúsculo (In the twilight, Lord Dunsany)

•En el metro (In the tube, E.F. Benson)

•En la cripta (The crypt, H.P. Lovecraft)

•Entre inmortales, Solo (Alone between inmortals, Lord Dunsany)

•En Zaccarath (In Zaccarath, Lord Dunsany)

•Espada y el ídolo, La (The sword and the idol, Lord Dunsany)

•Estatuas de la noche (The Memnons of the night, Clarck Ashton Smith)

•Familia Vourdalak, La (Sem'ya vurdalaka, Alexei Tolstoi)

•Fantasmas, Los (The ghosts, Lord Dunsany)

•Feathertop (Feathertop, Nathaniel Hawthorne)

•Fuera de la Tierra (Out of the earth, Arthur Machen)

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